Musical Hallucinations Short Film — 2023

A while back, Hero Studios offered me the opportunity to co-direct and design a tribute short film dedicated to Leo Rangell and his interview on a Radiolab podcast.

In this episode, he discusses his extraordinary condition that enabled him to experience hallucinations while listening to music.

Made with Hero Studios
My Role — Direction, Visual Development & Design


We knew from the beginning we wanted to make something different, and yet within the reach of a small, passionate team. The primary sources of inspiration for the visual style were the works of the French artist Henri Matisse and contemporary collage illustrations.

The Story

The narrative was already beautifully put together by Radiolab, so our challenge was to condense the original 20-min episode to just a few minutes. We quickly realized we were dealing with two narratives in one. The first one explained the science behind a song getting stuck in your head, while the second narrated Leo's story.


Visual Development

Made with Hero Studios

Produced by: Hero Studios
Directed by: Patrick Scerri, Germán Di Ciccio, Alejandro Norman

Visual Development: Germán Di Ciccio
Animation: Adrián Doménech
Concept Art: Matheus Castro

Sound Design: Wes Latta
Special Thanks to Radiolab and Leo Rangell


Google Careers — Illustration System


The Leadership Podcast